Renewable Energy Directive
RED targets supply side - production - of fuels
RED aims for 40% energy share from renewable sources by 2030
About RED
Production and distribution of (bio)fuels are addressed in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) respectively. These fuels should represent 86-88% of the international maritime transportation fuel mix by 2050 to contribute to the EU’s targets.
The RED includes a 40% energy share from renewable sources by 2030 and 13% greenhouse gas reduction target for transportation.
Of more direct consequence for maritime operators is the revision’s aim to promote advanced biofuels and biogas, as well as renewable fuels of non-biological origin. As shipping is seen as a sector that will be difficult to electrify, use of these alternatives will be incentivized for shipping but not for other sectors. Member states will be able to exempt or distinguish between energy suppliers and carriers to account for variations in the maturity and cost of different alternative fuel technologies.
EU - Renewable Energy Directive Revision 2018