Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Sustainability ambitions and initiatives

  • The Port of Antwerp-Bruges wants to be carbon neutral by 2050. 

  • Signed shore power declaration at the One Ocean Summit 2022, agreeing to make best efforts to deploy shore-side electricity supply by 2028. 

Shore Power

  • BarThe price per kWh is  €0.27 for shore power, further information on linking and connecting to the network can be found here. (link)

  • Barges at the port have been able to connect to shore power when berthed for several years now (link). The port acknowledges the technical and commercial challenges to retrofit seagoing vessels and have them accommodate shore power. In their words, they want to break the 'chicken or egg' situation by offering shore power for seagoing vessels. They are working on rolling out shore power for seagoing vessels in the near future, but no information could be found, but it is known several projects are currently ongoing regarding fully electric vessels, which would indicate the need for charging stations.

  • In Zeebrugge zullen we op eigen terrein (cruiseterminal) walstroom voor cruiseschepen voorzien. De doelstelling is om dat tegen 2026 gedaan te krijgen.

  • In Noordkasteel Dock are in total 11 shore power stations, 2 for tankers and 9 for barges. In Layby berths Canal Dock B2 there are 14 connections for shore power.

  • Wat betreft de doelstelling rond walstroom voor zeeschepen lijnen we af op de doelstellingen vanuit het Europese beleid. Omdat zo goed als alle commerciële activiteiten binnen ons havengebied wordt ingevuld door concessionarissen, gaan we met hen in overleg en trachten we al deze stakeholders voor te bereiden op de regelgeving en bijhorende investeringen.
    Toch willen we zelf pionieren op het vlak van walstroom (walk the talk). In Zeebrugge zullen we op eigen terrein (cruiseterminal) walstroom voor cruiseschepen voorzien. De doelstelling is om dat tegen 2026 gedaan te krijgen.

Technology focus

  • Port of Antwerp Bruges, Engie, Fluxys, Indaver, INOVYN, Oiltanking And Vlaamse Milieuholding (VMH) are committed to producing methanol sustainably with the 'Power to Methanol' project. Methanol is an essential raw material used in industry. Construction of a demo plant at the INOVYN site in Antwerp will start by 2023. The site will produce 8 000 tonnes of sustainable methanol annually by recycling captured CO2 with sustainably produced hydrogen.

  • Deme, Engie, Exmar, Fluxys, Port of Antwerp-Bruges and WaterstofNet as industrial players and public stakeholders, are bringing their expertise together in the hydrogen coalition. Pioneering together we are throwing our weight behind practical projects for shaping the production, transport and storage of hydrogen.

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