Welcome to Sustainable Ships

The tool store for maritime sustainability

  • Do you want to focus on your work, and not struggle with FuelEU, CII or other future regulations?

    We know these regulations are challenging, complex and costly to understand. We make it simple.

    Whether you are a shipowner, supplier, sustainability advisor or doing academic research - our tools will help you determine:

    1. What you you to do in terms of compliance.

    2. What you can do in terms of decarbonization.

    3. What it will cost you.

    We then connect you to suppliers for a budget quote so that the price indication we make is validated. That is what we call Sustainability on Demand.

    Our tools will save you precious time and let you focus on what is important - your work.

  • We can help you with 2 things: interpreting the impact of rules and regulations on your ship, and provide cost insights on decarbonization measures and zero-emission technologies. We do this in two ways.

    We offer freemium tools, guides and insights for anyone because we believe this helps to share lessons and make the maritime industry more sustainable.

    We offer premium tools in our memberships to shipowners and suppliers who need tailor-made, ship-specific cost insights. We transform our tools into a personalized tool for you to use in order to make your life easier. That means we can provide:

    • Decarbonization roadmaps for your ship or fleet

    • Regulation quickscan with results for CII, EEXI, FuelEU and EU ETS

    • AI-backed insights on any regulation anywhere around the world

    • Make a business case for the conversion to methanol

    • Make a budget quote generation tool for suppliers

    It is easier to let the tools speak for themselves.

Determine cost impact of regulations

Make a business case

Our tools can be your tools

How it works

  • Try our freemium selection of tools to determine if there is anything useful to you. These tools include FuelEU GHG calculators, guides on methanol conversion, carbon capture and storage, the RegulAitor - an AI for maritime regulations - and more.

    Check out all freemium tools here.

  • Members can download all tools for a fixed price per month, get access to premium tools. As you can cancel anytime, you stay in full control.

    Check out all benefits you will get as a member here.

  • Customize your tools and use them for making strategic decisions on decarbonization, or to make quote for suppliers. We can support with customization options if needed. Help is but one click away with our helpdesk!

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Why Sustainable Ships

  • You can download all tools. No need to be dependent on us. Additionally, you can cancel your subscription anytime. No risk. We want to make your life easier, not harder.

  • We are always one click away from helping. At any time, you can contact the helpdesk for support from one of our crewmembers. Ideal if you do not have a sustainability advisor in your company, or for sustainability advisors who are working alone!

  • Our ultimate goal is to enable you to sell your tools and help others. Already, we are not asking any commission for suppliers who want to receive free budget quotes and leads.

    Check the supplier page or contact the helpdesk for clarifications.

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